The JustPhysics website was designed and developed by Apogee with success for the physicist Mr. Atreidis Giorgos.
It is an attempt to approach the science of physics from school to universal level. The content of the website includes publications and material for high school students, scientific articles, publications and physical simulations. Users can find and refer to websites of research centers for data collection relevant to astroparticle physics, nuclear and particle physics and geophysics.
Using the new powerful Content Management System Apogee Essence, Apogee Information Systems, completed the JustPhysics project and launced it in the 16th of July 2012. The CMS is developed in such a way so that it may apply to all needs and function in the best way to all students and scients. Apogee CMS allows easy management, maintenancce and renewal of all websites or portals.