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Athens GSM adds E-learning to their curriculum
29 August, 2008

Athens GSM is a leading educational institute providing educational programmes, which contribute to the development of executives, businesses and society. The school is based in the two largest cities of Greece; both in Athens and Thessaloniki. One of their missions is " to change the learning and working environment which creates culture and promotes creativity and innovation". The change which they chose to make, was to introduce the ultimate E-learning platfrom for their students and professors. This is where Apogee stepped in as an IT provider, showing what innovation and technology plus education is all about!

Apogee utilized the flexible Moodle system to customize the E-learning platform according to the schools specific needs. With a log-in system, updated news, calendar and events, this E-learning platform took the school towards a different, more productive path. In addition to the E-learning platform, we developed their website utilizing our Contement Management System, Essence.
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Date: Saturday 04th 2024f May 2024 02:44:12 PM
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